Monday, November 17, 2008

Russell Means: Twelfth Day of Snow Emergency

Twelfth Day of Snow Emergency
By Russell Means
Lakotah Republic

➡ Many hundreds of American Indians still snowbound and without electrical
power or water on Pine Ridge Indian Reservation.
➡ Sofia Romero, age 98, snowed in, no power, no water, food situation unknown.
➡ Emme Zimiga, age 96, snowed in, no power, no water, food situation unknown.
➡ Amanda Milk, age 80ʼs, no legs, dialysis patient, snowed in, presumed dead.
➡ Hisle SD - 38 households (average of 17 persons per household on Reservation)
still snowed in with out power or water.
➡ Lost Dog Community - 5 families snowed in, no power, no water, food situation
➡ Lacreek Electric Association reports that over 1,000 power distribution poles
broken by the storm have been replaced, but dozens more are still down, while
repair efforts have been diverted to the some of the main distribution lines still
partially inoperative.
➡ Red Cross Effort Vehemently Incompetent, the American Red Cross sent a contingency of one volunteer, Monica Turkleson who departed the Reservation prematurely on
Saturday, November 15th. Ms. Turklesonʼs “aide” consisted of nothing and her
behavior was reported as impatient, rude and racist. Russell Means suggests
that this organization change its name to the “White Cross.”
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Monday, November 17, 2008
Genocidal Results of the Failed American Indian Policies of the United
States Government:
• Lakotah men have a life expectancy of less than 44 years, lowest of any country in
the World (excluding AIDS) including Haiti.
• Lakotah death rate is the highest in the United States.
• The Lakotah infant mortality rate is 300% more than the U.S. Average.
• One out of every four Lakotah children born are fostered or adopted out to non-
Indian homes.
• Diseases such as tuberculosis, polio, etc. are present. Cancer is now at epidemic
• Teenage suicide rate is 150% higher than the U.S national average for this group.
• Median income is approximately $2,600 to $3,500 per year.
• 97% of our Lakotah people live below the poverty line.
• Many families cannot afford heating oil, wood or propane and many residents use
ovens to heat their homes.
• Unemployment rates on our reservations are 80% or higher.
• Government funding for job creation is lost through cronyism and corruption.
• Elderly die each winter from hypothermia (freezing).
• 1/3 of the homes lack basic clean water and sewage while 40% lack electricity.
• 60% of Reservation families have no telephone.
• 60% of housing is infected with potentially fatal black molds.
• There is an estimated average of 17 people living in each family home (may only
have two to three rooms). Some homes, built for 6 to 8 people, have up to 30 people
living in them.
• More than half the Reservationʼs adults battle addiction and disease.
• Alcoholism affects 9 in 10 families.
• Two known meth-amphetamine labs allowed to continue operation. Why?
• The Tuberculosis rate on Lakotah reservations is approx. 800% higher than the U.S
national average.
• Cervical cancer is 500% higher than the U.S national average.
• The rate of diabetes is 800% higher than the U.S national average.
• Federal Commodity Food Program provides high sugar foods that kill Native people
through diabetes and heart disease.
• Indian children incarceration rate 40% higher than whites.
• In South Dakota, 21 percent of state prisoners are American Indians, yet they only
make up 2% of the population.
• Indians have the second largest state prison incarceration rate in the nation.
• Most Indians live on federal reservations. Less than 2% of Indians live where the
state has jurisdiction!
• Only 14% of the Lakotah population can speak the Lakotah language.
• The language is not being shared inter-generationally. Today, the average age of a
fluent Lakotah speaker is 65 years.
• Our Lakotah language is an Endangered Language, on the verge of extinction.
• Our Lakotah language is not allowed to be taught in the U.S. Government schools.

Monday, November 17, 2008

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Censored News is published by censored journalist Brenda Norrell. A journalist for 27 years, Brenda lived on the Navajo Nation for 18 years, writing for Navajo Times, AP, USA Today, Lakota Times and other American Indian publications. After being censored and then terminated by Indian Country Today in 2006, she began the Censored Blog to document the most censored issues. She currently serves as human rights editor for the U.N. OBSERVER & International Report at the Hague and contributor to Sri Lanka Guardian, Narco News and CounterPunch. She was cohost of the 5-month Longest Walk Talk Radio across America, with Earthcycles Producer Govinda Dalton in 2008:
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